September 28, 2015

Greetingz... (2)

'Time travels with the speed of light' - No no. Don’t get scared. No evil of Physics has possessed me today. This is the outcome of the sudden realization of the time that has passed since 'She' has come into existence. Yes!  She - A Simple Soul. Oh my God... Three years! Incredible it is...

'Home is where the heart is!' Pliny couldn’t describe it better. This blog is her home. She pours out her heart here. Her arena on the vast Internet has existed since three years. She writes not for the people but for herself. All the happiness, grudges, fears, excitement, everything wrapping in the foils of words and presenting them in the form of letters, testimonials, dedications, poems is her favorite job. She wrote for the Almighty, for her loved ones, nature, n every other thing she encounters with. Her writings give a way to her gratitude to be expressed. Her journey started then and is still forging ahead successfully.

So here I am wishing her a very happy birthday and wish her all the luck to keep her rolling ahead successfully ever after…